Emergent Life Consultant

Out of my personal growth and searching, a process I coined “Your Emergent Self™, which makes a dynamic process more than the sum total of its components.”
Working with you in a similar fashion to an archeologist, together we navigate the labyrinths of your soul’s journey to reach a place I call the “Yes of Me”.
Here you uncover your buried treasures of characteristics and qualities that appear unexpectedly, bringing to life fresh and innovative approaches for you to BE in your world. Exciting in newfound perspectives, your essence begins to take form, and express in new and creative ways. This evokes the term Spiritually Mindful Body denoting the inseparable oneness of being, “Your Emergent Self.”
Emergent … beyond the limited mind 
I equate Emergent with looking into a Kaleidoscope: One slight turn and the patterns shift and rearrange creating a new unique visual

What is Involved

In my Counseling Practice, I always take into account who YOU are, where you are now, what are YOUR priorities. Changes come about when you find the congruency in your life.


is when there is alignment between your words, actions, behavior, beliefs and attitudes. When you are in conflict or your internal and external worlds are at odds with one another, you are usually going against the natural grain of who you are, what you truly want in your life, and what is being expressed outwardly.

Adversarial situations and experiences.

As we explore these aspects, you begin to notice how they have become your assets, your strengths.
Through a series of different processes, written exercises, and personal tools, we begin to get a clearer picture of who you really are, what will work for you in your life, shift perspectives and behavioral patterns that are obstacles. An understanding of how you are wired and how that plays out in your life helps create the necessary changes.

What Emergent means, how I apply it to my life & in working with others...

  • I offer you an opportunity to discover that you are more than the sum of who you think you are and expand your life to a Spiritually Mindful Body
  • I incorporate my years and experiences of my own life’s Emergent Journey.
Evolving with each new student, client, experience in my life, I developed a process and practice, ‘Your Emergent Self’. Re-inventing yourself, whatever you’re seeking answers to and wherever you want to go in your life, you enter a space beyond the Spiritually Mindful Body, where your whole Being is greater than the sum of its parts ~  Emergent

Creativity Definition of Emergent

~ expressed in a book entitled, “The Emergent Self: a biography of George Eliot”:  “…to signify an unpredictable result arising from known sources.  “…even the most exhaustive verbal analysis of any form of creativity is at best incomplete, for inevitably lacking is that elusive quality which makes a dynamic process more than the sum total of its components.”
Evolving with each new student, client, experience in my life, I developed a process and practice, ‘Your Emergent Self’. Re-inventing yourself, whatever you’re seeking answers to and wherever you want to go in your life, you enter a space beyond the Spiritually Mindful Body, where your whole Being is greater than the sum of its parts ~  Emergent

Premise of Emergent 

~ I have come to understand that All things in the Universe are Emergent: nothing is caused. As energy shifts and/or coalesces, different forms and matter come into being, come into expression.  These constituents or individuality is ONENESS expressing itself.

An Example of Emergent

 ~  the relationship of 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen in combination creating Water.  Water is an entity unto itself, resembling neither hydrogen nor oxygen, yet encapsulating all their elements and having its own uniqueness out of the combination.  The resulting water is Emergent.

Scientific Definition

Emergent  ~ arising unexpectedly as a natural or logical consequence    

Emergent Evolution

~ a biological and philosophical theory that new characters and qualities (as life and consciousness) appear in the evolutionary process at more complex organizational levels (as that of the molecule, the cell, and the organism) which cannot be predicted solely by studying less complex levels of organizations but which are determined by a rearrangement of pre-existent entities. 

Counseling Testimonials